Composition of the Troupe

Video Collection

Attack on Rue Plumet- 2014 Dallas
Attack on Rue Plumet- 2006 Broadway (My favorite version of this song!)
Attack on Rue Plumet- 1987 Hungary
Look Down/The Robbery/Javert's Intervention- 1987 Hungary (Is someone breathing loudly with their mic on in this or is that just me?)
Look Down/The Robbery/Javert's Intervention- 2003 Broadway
Attack on Rue Plumet- 2003 Broadway
Look Down/The Robbery- 2000 Buenos Aires
Attack on Rue Plumet- 2000 Buenos Aires
Attack on Rue Plumet- 2006 US National Tour
Look Down/The Robbery/Javert's Intervention- 2006 US National Tour